Dateline aired a story of remembrance this past Friday. I started watching it with Ryan and a little way in wanted Chase to come down and watch it with us. This is something that he doesn't remember happening. He was only 1 at

the time. But this is a story he should know. He too should remember the lives lost and the sacrifices made.
When I asked Chase if he knew what I meant when I talked about the World Trade Center he said no. When I asked him if he knew what 9/11 meant he initially said no. But then he started to remember. He asked "Is that when those planes flew into those buildings"? He has learned some about that day in school, but his heart has yet to feel the pain of that day like so many of us have. But I know one day he will understand it as we do.

9/11 is more than when planes flew into a building. It marks a day in history none of us will ever forget. 2819 people lost their lives that day. So many, many more lost their loved ones. Our nation lost part of our family. It breaks my heart just thinking about it. Each family has their own story of their own personal tragedy surrounding that
day. It is not hard to find these stories amongst the many books, TV shows, and movies that stem from the attacks. But so many people have yet to tell their story. That is why it important to remember.
I hope and pray that nothing like this ever

To all these people. To the men and women who fought for our lives so many years ago, those who fought on 9/11, those who fight today, and those who will fight tomorrow...I will remember, forever. Thank you so much for all that you have given and continue to give for my freedom and the freedom of the ones I love.
Here is a link that gives some insight into just how much we lost that day: http://nymag.com/news/articles/wtc/1year/numbers.htm
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