This boy can eeeeeeeeat! I mean...
really eat. Don't get me wrong. He's still a pretty picky eater. There are days when I can barely get him to take a bite of anything. But give him the right food at the right time, and he will singlehandedly eat you out of house and home. Take this ice cream sandwich, for instance. Before I could even see this pic on my viewfinder...it was gone! Just like that! Well not quite, but you get the picture. He had already had his usual after school Cheerios on the way home from school this afternoon (pick him up without them and you're in real trouble) but really showed his jealousy of the big kids and their ice cream. Mom's not real good at saying no to Liam yet, so of course I gave in. To tell you the truth, he didn't have to try all that hard :). The full-size sandwich was gone before I knew what had happened.

He's not your typical 1-year-old. At least, he's not like my other kids were. His favorite food is probably baked beans. He loves them. But Chase and Evie won't touch them. He won't touch anything green...except zucchini. He likes to finish off all the zucchini from my hibachi take out. But he won't let a pea or green bean within 10 feet of him. Hates chicken nuggets (unless they're from Chick-Fil-A), but loves bratwurst. You might find one thing he scarfs down one day but finds absolutely disgusting the next. I have learned not to really worry when he won't eat much one day. He will definitely make up for it tomorrow!
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