So he was telling me that he got to choose a prize for remaining "discipline free". His choices were:
1. A "Hat Pass": He could wear a hat to school on the day of his choosing.
2. An "iPod Pass": He could bring his iPod to school one day to listen to his tunes at lunch.
3. An "Outside Pass": He could spend a lunch break outside.
4. A "Detention Pass": He could receive a pass to bail on detention at any one point this school year.

I find it incredibly ironic that one of your choices for a reward for staying out of trouble is a pass to get out of being in trouble in the future. And what did my son choose? The "Detention Pass". I guess he thinks he just can't keep this up forever :).
But we are very proud of Chase. He is really enjoying his new school. I was very worried about how Chase would transition to being the little fish in a great big pond. He went from a school of 700 to a school of 1200. He is changing classes now. He was changing classes in elementary school, but he changed with his whole class. This year he is on his own, as each kid in his class goes their own way to each class. But he is loving it all. He especially loves his Keyboarding class and is always wanting to show us how fast he can type (which I think is pretty darn fast for an eleven-year-old). I spoke with his teacher last week, just to check in and see how he is doing and she said she is transitioning well. Ahhhh...I can breathe again.
On a Game On! side 2nd perfect day of the game. Go Dieting Divas!
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