So what does this mean for the rest of you? More Graham Fam! The game challenges you to lose one unhealthy habit (which for me will be my very unhealthy habit of a daily Red Bull) and gain one new healthy habit. My healthy habit, lucky for you, will be to post one new blog post each day(which counts as journaling). I will be posting daily about both the Graham Fam and my Game On! challenges.
Yesterday was my last day of "freedom" before beginning healthier living, and I did it up nice. We met our friends, the Brinsons from Savannah, at Wild
Adventures in Valdosta for some fun with our 5 kids, plus their 11-year-old cousin. I celebrated with TWO Red Bulls yesterday. I had a couple slices of pizza and far too much soda (since I rarely drink it anymore anyway) at the park. Luckily the rain held off until after 6:30pm last night, but then it moved in full force. We were already headed to the car, having seen the very black clouds rolling in and fearing a torrential downpour. We were less than halfway to the car when the bottom dropped out. But I think the kids had a really great time running through the rain and my last couple weeks of intermittent 5k training really paid off! We met the Brinsons at Texas Roadhouse where I enjoyed a couple rolls, some cheese fries, a few more Cokes, 1/2 a cheesy hamburger and a sweet potato. Farewell evil food! See you next month(maybe...). The best part of the day was snapping a good pic of all 3 of my kids together...a VERY rare event indeed!

As for Game On! I woke up this morning, weighed in (and as reluctant as I am to share, I will: 140.6), finalized my habits with
the help of my husband, and began cooking. I am cooking some meals for the next couple days, since I am on nights for the next 3 days. Right now I am working on a healthy stir-fry of brown rice, cabbage, zucchini, and broccoli. When I get it on the stove I will throw in some egg whites for protein and EVOO for a healthy fat. For breakfast I whipped up 3 egg whites and one yolk for scrambled eggs to top off a piece of whole wheat toast. Very good, I must say. Game On! girls! Go Dieting Divas (our team name. My teammates are some great girls forms work: Misti, Amy and Anne).
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