So we've heard about Chase. How's Evie?
Evie started PreK at Lee County PreK this year. Here wonderful Daddy waited all night in line in March, in the freezing cold mind you, to reserve his little girl's spot in the program. This is the case every year in Lee County, as there are usually never enough spots.
I remember when I went to sign Chase up for the program when he was 4. The sign said 8am, so there I was at 8am. I thought it odd to find so many lawn chairs parked outside the building. But no people outside. Surely people had been sitting outside waiting for registration to begin. I found out they had. There we only 70 spots for our zone that year. Thank goodness, despite my sleeping in the own, warm bed the previous night, Chase was registered in slot 63.
This year there were 110+ spots for our zone (there are two zones...East and West). I was there at the board of education at 3pm the day before registration, to save Ryan's spot for the night. When I arrived, the line was more than 30 deep. But we knew E was in. To be honest, she would have been in regardless of whether we had camped out or not. Ryan arrived around 530pm and we swapped kids. We went and got Daddy dinner, had a picnic with him, and went off to sleep at home without Ryan. He didn't get much sleep that night. It was very cold and uncomfortable. We met him back at the BOE the next morning to sign Evie up. We found out later that day that they hadn't filled all the spots. We're ok with that. As soon as we'd decided not to camp out we would have missed our chance.
I've drifted a little from the topic. We had hoped to have Mrs. McConnell, Chase's kindergarten teacher, as she had moved to the PreK. We were sad to find out she was only taking West Zone and we're East (they try to keep the kids together because they'll split schools next year). Total bummer...she was such a wonderful teacher for Chase. Evie is in Mrs. Pearce's class, however, and so far, so good. We like her a lot, and so does Evie. Her paraprofessional, Ms. Mitchell, is very nice, too.
Evie enjoys taking her lunch every day. She started out in the after school program, but that only lasted a week before we decided it wasn't for us. It's a mix of 200 4-11 year olds and very chaotic. Evie wasn't happy there. So she is riding the bus home now and loves it.

Mrs. Pearce loves bumblebees, and the room is covered in them. Each day Evie brings home a stamped paper with a bumblebee which means she didn't get in trouble. She's gotten a bumblebee every single day :). 2 weeks ago was her turn to bring home Bee. Bee is a bear who gets to travel home with a little girl form her class each week (the boys get to take home Bumble). She was so excited! She had lots of fun with Bee and we took pictures to send to school with her to show all her friends.
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