We got Fiona, our English Bulldog from a breeder in Alabama in December 2008. She and Chase have been best friends from the start. She is very good with the kids and tolerates a lot. She does have her chewing moments, and that drives me insane. Last week she ate a pair of Liam's sunglasses (not that he wore them anyway) and she has become particularly fond of a stuffed giraffe rocker in the living room. Ryan told me just last night that he was going to take it out the trash, but I said no because she'll just move on to something new. Might as well let her finish off what she started! We chose Fiona's name came because Ryan's bulldog, Belle, who he left with his parents when he moved to Georgia, was name after the Disney princess. He really wanted to keep that going, and Fiona was a fitting name for a bulldog.

Jujubee, Evie's kitten, is a white mutt-kitten we picked up from what we found out later must have been a flea-infested bug-dungeon. No sooner than we had gotten in the car I spotted a tiny black demon. I would have left her there if I had known just how many were covering her tiny white body! We immediately made a beeline for the nearest store to stock up of flea-murder in bottles and a couple baths and treatments later...problem solved! Jujubee is the world most psychotic cat (although I am sure many would beg to differ). She is often found leaping through the house up door frames and into walls. Jujubee was named by Evie. She had been naming everything, living and not, Jujubee for quite awhile. She wanted Jujubee to be our Elf On The Shelf's name, but she lost to Chase's pick Bob. The name came from the Elf On The Shelf book and she had been begging for a kitty to call Jujubee for quite some time. She finally wore us down!

Raspberry (or should I say Raspberry #3...but don't tell Evie!) was a present for Evie's 4th birthday. She had been asking for one for while so we surprised her that day. She was so excited. I don't really know where the name came from. I remember we had been talking about raspberries the morning I took her took pick out her fish, but I can't remember why. She is very good at helping feed her fish every morning and every night. A cute story about Raspberry is, after the passing of Raspberry #1, Evie noticed her fish (the new fish) had white on her belly (Ryan didn't really pick out an exact match). Evie doesn't miss a thing and questioned Daddy the second she laid eyes on it. My quick-thinking husband told her Raspberry was just getting older, which Evie was so proud to run out and yell down the stairs to me. Crisis averted! Raspberry is the perfect pet, and if we had to choose just one, she'd be it!
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