There's an adorable triplet of ducks that live in a pond which is right out the back door of our room, and every morning they come quacking for treats. The kids love getting to feed them Pops and Cheerios, although I am pretty sure those are not part of the official duck diet. They will even eat right out of your hands! This trip has taught Liam to "Quack, Quack!" which sounds a little more like "Quok, "Quok!", but it's very cute.

So we headed to Hollywood Studios today, because we had a reservation there for lunch. But before hitting up the food joints, we wanted to squeeze in a couple thrill-rides. We took Chase on the Tower Of Terror first. He totally screamed like a girl! I tried so hard to get him to put his hands in the air when we were dropping and bouncing 13 stories, but he kept his fists tightly clenched to the handles. At least once he got off he decided it was a pretty awesome ride. Maybe he's coming around! Maybe we'll actually get him on something that goes upside down...

Chase would never willingly hop on a roller coaster that goes upside down. Believe me...I have tried
many times. So we had to try to
sneak him on one. We told him about the awesome Aerosmith Rock'N Roller Coaster, and just left out the part about it going upside down. But while we were standing in line he read somewhere that it goes upside down. And then came the tears. To make a long story short I, going against my motherly instincts, forced Chase to ride the ride. He wasn't backing out this time. I knew he'd love it if he'd just do it...just once. You can still see the tears in this photo that's taken just as the ride takes off. And guess what! Despite what you may all be thinking right now about my parenting...HE LOVED IT! Thought it was so awesome. Luckily the ride goes upside down in the dark, and he wasn't even sure he had done it. But he had! So glad this is a new thrill I will be able to share with Chase, because he has decided upside-down roller coasters aren't so bad at all.

Next we headed to Hollywood & Vine for our lunch reservation. This was a character lunch with Special Agent Oso, Handy Manny, and June & Leo from the Little Einsteins. Sure...I would have preferred lunch with a few princesses or Mickey & Minnie, but apparently those get booked up pretty far in advance. So we had to settle for this place. But it was actually pretty fun. The kids just loved meeting any characters. And there's singing and dancing while you eat. The food is set up buffet style, but it was a pretty darn good buffet. Everyone loved it. Liam is really crazy for all the people in costumes now. He could barely sit still in his seat, but he did manage to scarf down quiet a bit of spaghetti and a bowl-full of chocolate mousse.

We watched the Voyage of the Little Mermaid show after lunch while the food settled, and then wanted to catch a few more of the rides. Evie, Chase, Mommy, Daddy & Mamaw rode the new Start Wars ride while Liam squeezed in another nap to digest all the sugar. Papaw has been a great babysitter. Evie was so scared of riding the Star Wars ride. When you first walk in, the lines go through interactive areas. The C3PO character reminded her a lot of the alien that scared he yesterday on the Stitch ride. It took a lot of convincing to get her to believe he was a silly, funny robot. But she finally calmed down before we got on the ride. This ride is a simulator and was pretty cool. Again, Evie thought the ride was "AWESOME!"

And of course today's parade was
also rained out, just as the Weather Channel had predicted. We didn't stick around today to watch the rainy day substitute, because Chase just had to ride the Rock'N Roller Coaster again and we hadn't planned to stay at Hollywood Studios all day. We had an appointment at Downtown Disney for that evening.

So we headed home and did a quick clean-up before hopping back on the bus to Downtown Disney, narrowly missing our 6pm appointment for Evie at the Bippity Boppity Boutique. We wanted to do it in the salon at Cinderell
a's Castle at Magic Kingdom, but those appointments also fill pretty quickly. But we just
had to do this for Evie. For quite a pretty penny they can turn any young girl into a princess. O
f course, it didn't take much to transform ours ;). Evie got to pick out a hairdo, dress, makeup and nail color. And Voil
à! Rapunzel she is! Isn't she so sparkly and pretty? She had such a great time getting pampered and dolled up. Definitely worth it.

After trekking it through more rain to have dinner at the House of Blues, Mamaw and Papaw decided to head back and we stayed at Downtown Disney just a little longer. We picked up a few treats at the Candy Cauldron, where Chase had chocolate covered marshmallows, Daddy had a caramel apple and Evie decided on coined princess chocolates. Then we hit up the massive World of Toys store for some stuffed characters and Evie's collectable spoon.